Beyond Jupiter, researchers discover a 'cradle of comets'

Comets are known to have a temper. As they swoop in from the outer edges of our solar system, these icy bodies begin spewing gas and dust as they venture closer to the sun. Their luminous outbursts can result in spectacular ...

Palmer amaranth's molecular secrets reveal troubling potential

Corn, soybean, and cotton farmers shudder at the thought of Palmer amaranth invading their fields. The aggressive cousin of waterhemp—itself a formidable adversary—grows extremely rapidly, produces hundreds of thousands ...

30 years ago: Voyager 2's historic Neptune flyby

Thirty years ago, on Aug. 25, 1989, NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft made a close flyby of Neptune, giving humanity its first close-up of our solar system's eighth planet. Marking the end of the Voyager mission's Grand Tour of ...

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