How governments use Big Data to violate human rights

The right to privacy has become a pressing human rights issue. And rightly so. Big data —combined with artificial intelligence and facial recognition software —has the capacity to intrude on people's lives in unprecedented ...

ACLU will appeal NY NSA phone surveillance ruling

A civil rights lawyer says the American Civil Liberties Union is very disappointed that a New York judge has found that a government program that collects millions of Americans' telephone records is legal.

Hong Kong police body cameras spark fears

In a first for Asia, Hong Kong police said Thursday they will trial the use of video cameras attached to their uniforms to film exchanges with the public, despite concerns from human rights groups.

Head Start program played anti-segregation role in the Deep South

A federal preschool program did more than improve educational opportunities for poor children in Mississippi during the 1960s. The program also gave a political and economic boost to the state's civil rights activists, according ...

Education secretary says he backs annual testing

Foreshadowing what could be a contentious battle with Congress, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Monday that rolling back federal testing requirements in math and reading would deprive students, parents and their schools ...

Philippine Supreme Court suspends cybercrime law

(AP)—The Philippine Supreme Court on Tuesday suspended implementation of the country's anti-cybercrime law while it decides whether certain provisions violate civil liberties.

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