Scientists tie DNA repair to key cell signaling network

University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston researchers have found a surprising connection between a key DNA-repair process and a cellular signaling network linked to aging, heart disease, cancer and other chronic conditions. ...

Curbing the life-long effects of traumatic brain injury

A fall down the stairs, a car crash, a sports injury or an explosive blast can all cause traumatic brain injury (TBI). Patients often recover. But in the days or weeks following the hit, they can develop other serious, chronic ...

We're social beings: So are the microbes in our microbiomes

The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us that social interactions transmit pathogens. But do humans spread "good" bugs, too? Very much so, say a team of biologists who are probing the links between the microbiome and health.

Vibrating fork to combat obesity makes its debut

An electronic fork that vibrates when you eat too fast went on sale Wednesday on Kickstarter, with its French inventors claiming it can help combat obesity and digestive issues.

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