Ultracold atoms in a "Rydberg-dress"

Scientists at the MPQ (Garching) and MPIPKS (Dresden) have developed a novel technique to let atoms interact over large distances.

Smallest hard disk to date writes information atom by atom

Every day, modern society creates more than a billion gigabytes of new data. To store all this data, it is increasingly important that each single bit occupies as little space as possible. A team of scientists at the Kavli ...

Even low-level PCBs change bird songs

It may not kill them outright, but low-level PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) contamination disrupts how some birds sing their songs, report Cornell researchers.

Chemists discover ozone-boosting reaction

(PhysOrg.com) -- Burning of fossil fuels pumps chemicals into the air that react on surfaces such as buildings and roads to create photochemical smog-forming chlorine atoms, UC Irvine scientists report in a new study.

Biological cleanup discovered for certain 'forever chemicals'

University of California, Riverside, chemical and environmental engineering scientists have identified two species of bacteria found in soil that break down a class of stubborn "forever chemicals," giving hope for low-cost ...

Study reveals peculiar mechanism of radical addition-elimination

For the first time, researchers have shown that a dissociation pathway, or mechanism for breaking chemical bonds, called roaming radical dynamics is a possibility for not just simple, single molecule reactions but more complex, ...

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