Study shows how chickens keep their cool

Its head looks like a turkey's, its body resembles a chicken's – now scientists can explain why one of the poultry world's most curious specimens has developed such a distinctive look.

Bit of duck DNA might protect poultry from flu, scientists say

Influenza has for years ravaged domesticated chickens. Now scientists suggest that a small piece of duck DNA might protect the farm birds against the virus -- saving commercial flocks and lessening the possibility that humans ...

It looks, feels and tastes like chicken, but it's made of soy

Sure, some delicacies might taste just like chicken, but they usually feel and look much different. Soy meat alternatives, such as the soy burger, have become more popular recently, with increased sales of eight percent from ...

Organic feed influences gene expression in chickens

( -- Organically fed chickens develop a different process of gene expression in their small intestines than that of chickens which get conventional feed. The organic chickens have higher expressed genes involved ...

Insect cells provide the key to alternative swine flu vaccination

Scientists in Vienna have developed a new technique for producing vaccines for H1N1, 'swine flu', based on insect cells. The research, published today in the Biotechnology Journal, reveals how influenza vaccines can be produced ...

Chicken waste turned to watts

A Nevada energy developer says it has developed an environmentally clean way of using animal waste from chicken farms across the state to light up homes and offices. Green Energy Solutions wants to convert the bird droppings ...

Researchers find new mechanism for circadian rhythm

Molecules that may hold the key to new ways to fight cancer and other diseases have been found to play an important role in regulating circadian rhythm, says Liheng Shi, a researcher in Texas A&M's Department of Veterinary ...

Passover's matzoh ball soup may be good for your health

With the Jewish holiday of Passover beginning at sundown next Wednesday, April 8, a staple of the traditional dinner -- chicken soup with matzoh balls -- may take on medicinal importance based on findings published in the ...

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