Researchers discover a mechanism of drug resistance

( -- Antibiotics are used for everything from squelching strep throat to suppressing the immune system after an organ transplant. Many antibiotics are produced by molds similar to those found on a slice of bread ...

Dutch astronaut's cheesy request

Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers will have a special treat waiting for him in orbit when he arrives in space next month: five kilogrammes of Amsterdam's finest cheese, its maker said Saturday.

Climate concerns turn city's smell into cash cow

(AP) -- The smell of manure hangs over Greeley as it has for half a century. These days it's more than just a potent reminder of the region's agricultural roots and the hundreds of thousands of cattle raised on the city's ...

Wonderful cheese is all in the culture

It's an age-old tradition that dates back at least 8,000 years but it seems we still have much to learn about the bacteria responsible for turning milk into cheese.

Swedish pulses have great potential to become novel foods

Can you produce new, plant-based foods from Swedish-grown pulses? This has been studied by Ferawati Ferawati in her dissertation in chemistry from Linnaeus University, in which she has studied the properties and nutrient ...

The science of turning milk into cheese

The global production of sheep's milk is on the rise, and in the vast majority of cases used to produce cheese. However, a relatively large amount of milk is needed to produce it, so science is looking for ways to increase ...

Video: How milk becomes cheese

Making cheese is an ancient exercise in preserving the nutritional value of milk. And it's also pretty tasty.

Video: The science of spotting fake foods

There's not much that can top a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs—except, of course, for what belongs on top: parmesan cheese. But, it turns out, what we're eating might not be parmesan at all—the Food and Drug Administration ...

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