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The threat of group extinction proves a powerful motivator

Charles Darwin was right: Groups enjoy an advantage whose members are "ready to aid one another and to sacrifice themselves for the common good," according to a new study by researchers at Rice University, Texas A&M University ...

'Nature' Paper Refigures the Evolution of Altruism

( -- In 1871, Charles Darwin puzzled over the evolution of altruism. "He who was ready to sacrifice his life, as many a savage has been," he wrote in The Descent of Man, "rather than betray his comrades, would ...

Historian re-constructs Charles Darwin's Beagle library online

For close to 180 years, Charles Darwin's library aboard the ship HMS Beagle during his landmark expedition around the world in the 1830s remained lost. The library was dispersed at the end of the voyage. Today, the library ...

Examining sudden evolutionary change

When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, he thought of it as a gradual process. "We see nothing of these slow changes in progress, until the hand of time has marked the long ...

Where did brains come from?

Charles Darwin wrote a book called "The Power of Movement in Plants" with his son Francis in which they first identified the root apex as the central command center of plants. In contrast to our own orientation with respect ...

Darwin's finches highlight the unity of all life

When Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands in October 1835, he and his ship-mates on board HMS Beagle collected specimens of birds, including finches and mockingbirds, from various islands of the archipelago.

The Darwin-Wallace mystery solved

Thanks to a generous gift, National University of Singapore study traced historical shipping records and vindicated Darwin from accusations of deceit.

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