Baja California residents watching for Hurricane Rick

Based on computer forecast models, the residents of southern and central Baja California should prepare over the weekend for now Tropical Storm Rick. Rick formed late yesterday, October 15, and is expected to become a major ...

NASA sees Eastern Pacific storms power up and down

While Tropical Storm Kristy faded into a remnant low pressure area, Lane strengthened into a hurricane. NASA's Terra satellite caught a look at both storms when it passed overhead on Sept. 16 and showed a much tighter circulation ...

NASA sees tropical storm Blanca weaken

NASA's RapidScat instrument and NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites showed the transition of Blanca from a hurricane to a tropical storm before it made landfall in Baja California, Mexico. June 8, Blanca was affecting Baja California ...

Scientists capture clues to sustainability of fish populations

Thanks to studies of a fish that gives birth to live young and is not fished commercially, scientists at UC Santa Barbara have discovered that food availability is a critical limiting factor in the health of fish populations.