Ocean life may adapt to climate change, but with hidden costs

Suppose that we could watch twenty generations of whales or sharks adapting to climate change—measuring how they evolve and how their biology changes as temperatures and carbon dioxide levels rise. That could tell us a ...

Embryonic tissue undergoes phase transition

When scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria looked at developing zebrafish embryos, they observed an abrupt and dramatic change: Within just a few minutes, the solid-like embryonic tissue becomes ...

Finding coronavirus's helper proteins

A group of scientists led by EMBL's Mikhail Savitski, Nassos Typas, and Pedro Beltrao, and collaborator Steeve Boulant at Heidelberg University Hospital, have analyzed how the novel coronavirus affects proteins in human cells. ...

New DNA research reveals undiscovered white dots on the map

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have located a previously unknown function in the so-called histones, which allows for an improved understanding of how cells protect and repair DNA damages. This knowledge may ...

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