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Newly discovered protein prevents DNA triplication

Every time a cell divides, its DNA is duplicated so that the two daughter cells have the same genetic material as their parent. This means that, millions of times a day, a biochemical wonder takes place in the body: the copying ...

Junk DNA in birds may hold key to safe, efficient gene therapy

The recent approval of a CRISPR-Cas9 therapy for sickle cell disease demonstrates that gene editing tools can do a superb job of knocking out genes to cure hereditary disease. But it's still not possible to insert whole genes ...

How the antioxidant glutathione keeps mitochondria healthy

If a delivery person leaves a package on your front step without pinging you, you likely won't know it's there. A hungry cell awaiting refuel is in a similar position. It has to be alerted to the presence of nutrients outside ...

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