Americans tap into location-based services: study

One in four Americans uses their cellphone to get directions or to receive recommendations about nearby attractions based on their present location, according to a survey published on Tuesday.

Noting tech needs, mining companies seek graphite

(AP)—Experts say the promise of expanded uses for "pencil lead" in electronic car, cellphone and tablet computer batteries has helped touch off the largest wave of graphite mining projects in decades.

US Cellular: We turned down iPhone

(AP) -- U.S. Cellular, the country's sixth-largest cellphone company, says it had the opportunity to carry the iPhone but turned it down because the phone is too expensive.

Samsung is top 2012 phone brand, ousting Nokia

Samsung has overtaken Nokia as the top mobile phone brand for 2012 and has opened up a decisive lead over Apple in the smartphone market, a research firm said Tuesday.

Cellphone use linked to selfish behavior in new study

Though cellphones are usually considered devices that connect people, they may make users less socially minded, finds a recent study from the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Report says Sprint to get iPhone in October

(AP) -- Sprint Nextel Corp., the country's third-largest cellphone company, will start selling the iPhone in mid-October, The Wall Street Journal said Tuesday.

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