New potential target proteins for novel antibiotics discovered

Bacteria are small but tough organisms, partly because their cells are enclosed by a protective cell wall skeleton. Professor Felipe Cava and his team at Umeå University in Sweden and collaborators at Harvard Medical School ...

Researchers investigate fighting tumors with magnetic bacteria

Scientists around the world are researching how anti-cancer drugs can most efficiently reach the tumors they target. One possibility is to use modified bacteria as "ferries" to carry the drugs through the bloodstream to the ...

Nanotubes illuminate the way to living photovoltaics

"We put nanotubes inside of bacteria," says Professor Ardemis Boghossian at EPFL's School of Basic Sciences. "That doesn't sound very exciting on the surface, but it's actually a big deal. Researchers have been putting nanotubes ...

Polluted land can be planted with flowers and tobacco

Zinnia (popular ornamental flowers) and tobacco adapt to copper in the soil. They accumulate heavy metal in the roots and limit the transport of copper to the aerial parts of the plant: stem, leaves, and beyond. At the same ...

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