Study show what makes plant cell walls compress and stretch

New findings about the building blocks of plant fibers open the door to advances in material engineering as well as food and agriculture, a Swedish-Australian research collaboration reported. The findings, published today ...

Tiny protein motor fuels bacterial movement

There are billions of bacteria around us and in our bodies, most of which are harmless or even helpful. But some bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella can cause infections. The ability to swim can help bacteria to seek ...

An unprecedented discovery of cell fusion

Like humans, bacteria live together in communities, sometimes lending a hand—or in the case of bacteria, a metabolite or two—to help their neighbors thrive. Understanding how bacteria interact is critical to solving growing ...

New building block in plant wall construction

University of Adelaide researchers as part of a multidisciplinary, international team, have uncovered a new biochemical mechanism fundamental to plant life.

Learning how to battle harmful algae blooms

Throughout the world's oceans in global nutrient cycles, food chains, and climate, as well as increasingly in human-made industrial processes, a diverse set of planktonic microbes, such as algae, play an integral role. For ...

The force necessary to kill a single bacterium

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health and food security today according to the World Health Organization. This process occurs naturally, but misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals is accelerating ...

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