Research uncovers elusive process essential to plant greening

Despite how essential plants are for life on Earth, little is known about how parts of plant cells orchestrate growth and greening. By creating mutant plants, UC Riverside researchers have uncovered a cellular communication ...

Quantum dots track who gets into cell nucleus

( -- UC Berkeley researchers Karsten Weis, Jan Liphardt, and colleagues have used fluorescent probes called quantum dots to determine which molecules get into the nucleus via its nano-pores and which get kicked ...

Energy revolution key to complex life

The evolution of complex life is strictly dependent on mitochondria, the tiny power stations found in all complex cells, according to a new study by Dr Nick Lane, from UCL (University College London), and Dr William Martin, ...

Growing without cell division

An international team of scientists, including biologists from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, may have pinpointed for the first time the mechanism responsible for cell polyploidy, a state in which cells ...

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