New computing applications expedite animal breeding

A doctoral thesis studied new statistical methods for animal breeding, based on which extensive livestock data samples can be analysed, and complex models used, more efficiently. Computing times lasting months can be reduced ...

Unlocking the genetic secrets of legendary bulls

The genes of 50 top bulls have been sequenced in an effort to understand how genes from temperate cattle have influenced important production traits in the modern Brahman breed.

Big cattle -- the genes that determine carcass weight

An area of chromosome 6 that affects cattle carcass weight has been identified using two different Japanese species. Knowledge of this four-gene region, described in the open access journal BMC Genetics, should be useful ...

App for visualizing the bovine physical–genetic map

Physical maps are created in genome research to illustrate how the genetic information is arranged on individual chromosomes. In addition, genetic maps show the probability with which genetic variants can be transmitted together ...

Biodiversity passes the taste test and is healthier too

Cattle and sheep grazed on natural grasslands help maintain biodiversity and produce tastier, healthier meat, according to a study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The research, part of the Rural ...

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