Related topics: atrial fibrillation

Oleandrin is a deadly plant poison, not a COVID-19 cure

With COVID-19 cases and deaths rising in the U.S. and globally, identifying new therapies to prevent and combat the virus is a top priority. Natural products from plants are an attractive option in the search for a cure. ...

Medical monitor with eyes and ears

In intensive care Units (ICU), every second counts. In emergencies, doctors and nurses need to make the right decisions quickly. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a smart "proxemic monitor" which has optimized the processes ...

Heart arrhythmias detected in deep-diving marine mammals

A new study of dolphins and seals shows that despite their remarkable adaptations to aquatic life, exercising while holding their breath remains a physiological challenge for marine mammals. The study, published January 15 ...

First successful ablation of a cardiac arrhythmia in a horse

The Equine Cardioteam, led by Prof Gunther van Loon, has treated a Norwegian showjumper stallion with a cardiac arrhythmia by ablation. The horse had been successfully treated by electroshock therapy several times but showed ...

High-resolution microscopy for analysis of protein complexes

Researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Berlin Institute of Health at Berlin's Charité Hospital have developed a novel method for determining the number of subunits within protein complexes. The method is a further ...

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