Partners in catalysis: An efficient route to unsaturated ketones

In organic chemistry, discovering new reactions is one thing, but to carry them off efficiently is quite another. Carbon-carbon bond-forming is at the heart of organic synthesis, allowing us to stitch together diverse functional ...

The first nucleophilic gold complex

A collaborative research effort between the Departments of Chemistry at the University of Oxford (United Kingdom) and University of Jyväskylä (Finland) has resulted in the discovery of a gold compound exhibiting nucleophilic ...

What should we do about single-use plastics?

Much of the growing global concern about the plastics polluting our oceans and clogging our landfills has focused on reducing consumption and reusing where we can. But there's a reason manufacturers and consumers struggle ...

The new green alternative for drug production

Most of the processes for the production of drugs, pesticides and smartphone displays are cost-intensive and generate a large amount of waste. Scientists at the University of Göttingen have now succeeded in developing a ...

Chemical bond versus electromagnetic waves

Vibrating carbon monoxide molecules adsorbed at the surface of a salt crystal stop moving after a few milliseconds. Scientists now discovered this is dominantly due to the emission of electromagnetic waves. The role of the ...

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