Related topics: diet · protein

Wider windrows can help dry alfalfa for dairy silage

( -- The alfalfa silage harvests happening this month can shape the success of an entire year's milk production. That's according to South Dakota Cooperative Extension Dairy Specialist Alvaro Garcia, who said ...

Researchers discover how tiny sugars regulate stem cells

(—Embryonic stem cells hold great promise as a potential cell-based therapy for a myriad of serious diseases, but there is still much to learn before they become a regular part of the doctor's toolkit. Scientists ...

Organizing enzymes to create electricity

An assistant professor at the University of California, Riverside's Bourns College of Engineering has recently received a $360,000 grant to better organize enzymes on electrodes to create nanoscale devices that more efficiently ...

Mining the secrets of carbohydrates for new leads on antibiotics

Laura Kiessling, Ph.D., thrives on steep learning curves. So when she started her research lab, she took a risk and plunged into the wide-open field of carbohydrates, which despite their ubiquity and notoriety for expanding ...

Locusts harness the sun to get their optimum diet

If you are a locust, the most nutritious plant to eat depends on the ambient temperature. Scientists at the University of Sydney, Australia, have discovered that locusts choose their food and then where they digest it according ...

Test can smell ketosis

VTT has developed a quick, easy-to-use ketosis test for consumers that can detect acetone on exhaled breath. The test will benefit diabetics and dieters in particular, but it can easily be adapted to other uses as well, such ...

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