New method measures levels of toxic tire particles in rivers

Scientists at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) have developed a robust method for detecting whether a toxic chemical used in car tires is present in rivers, streams, and lakes and measuring its concentrations.

Team develops new method to determine flaws in rubber

A new method to ensure consistency and quality in rubber manufacturing, developed by a research team from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Eastman, is likely to show real-world impact on material sustainability ...

Green tires: Where the rubber meets the road

Most of us don't think about tires much until we either get a flat or they wear out, and then the bite of up to $1,000 or more for all four corners sure gets our attention. Most of all, we don't think of tires as having anything ...

In Cuba, crabs embark on perilous migration to Bay of Pigs

Every year in Cuba, millions of crabs emerge from the forest at the beginning of the spring rains and head for the waters of the Bay of Pigs, crossing streets and highways on a perilous journey to mate and reproduce.

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