Related topics: breast cancer

Boron-nitride nanotubes show potential in cancer treatment

A new study has shown that adding boron-nitride nanotubes to the surface of cancer cells can double the effectiveness of Irreversible Electroporation, a minimally invasive treatment for soft tissue tumors in the liver, lung, ...

Small molecules for neural stem cells

European scientists used chemical genetics to discover molecules that could serve as future regenerative medicines to treat neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.

Researchers discover critical rotational motion in cells

In a study that holds major implications for breast cancer research as well as basic cell biology, scientists with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have discovered a rotational motion that plays a ...

Tissue structure delays cancer development

Cancer growth normally follows a lengthy period of development. Over the course of time, genetic mutations often accumulate in cells, leading first to pre-cancerous conditions and ultimately to tumour growth. Using a mathematical ...

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