Over 300 new beetle records for New Brunswick, Canada

Beetles diversity in New Brunswick, Canada, has elicited the interest of biologists for over a century and continues to do so. In 1991, 1,365 species were known from New Brunswick. That number had increased to 2,703 by 2013, ...

What happens when you build a pyramid upside down?

On Tuesday, September 29th 2015, Canada achieved a milestone. For the first time in history, the number of people aged 65 and older outnumbered those aged 0 – 14 years of age. A shocking 16% of Canadians – almost one ...

The escalation of natural disasters

I'm in Atlantic Canada giving a series of talks about Hurricane Sandy and what it did to New York (based on my book, Storm Surge). I've been talking about what happened in New York, hearing from people here about what has ...

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