Food, predators, and people influence giraffe social behavior

The behavior of giraffe groups with calves is influenced more strongly by the risk of predators than is the behavior of all-adult groups, which is mostly determined by the availability of food. An international team of researchers ...

Several small steps: Elephant calves caught on camera in Cambodia

First, the good news. Footage from the 46 camera traps deployed by Fauna & Flora International (FFI) in Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains is giving us a privileged insight into the lives of the Asian elephants that roam through ...

Measuring iceberg production with earthquakes

Global warming is significantly reducing the volume of ice sheets—like the one covering Greenland—through melting or by shearing away blocks of ice that tumble into the ocean and become icebergs, a process known as calving.

Signs of bac­teria in the bovine fetus

Contrary to earlier assumptions, the intestines of newborn calves are not sterile, but contain DNA from various bacteria. Bacteria or their fragments originating in the mother may be significant to the development of the ...

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