Related topics: fuel cell

Ohio quakes could incite fracking policy shift

(AP) -- In Ohio, geographically and politically positioned to become a leading importer of wastewater from gas drilling, environmentalists and lawmakers opposed to the technique known as fracking are seizing on a series ...

New technology eliminates plant toxins

Plants produce toxins to defend themselves against potential enemies, from herbivorous pests to diseases. Oilseed rape plants produce glucosinolates to serve this purpose. However, due to the content of glucosinolates, farmers ...

Dust removal makes steel production more efficient

A new dedusting technique for crude steel production operations improves energy recovery and the recycling of dust from blast furnace exhaust gases. The newly developed Simetal Merim process from Siemens boasts an energy ...

Reducing algal blooms with mining by-products

CSIRO research has shown that some mining by-products can be effective in preventing nutrients from entering river systems, thereby reducing the potential for algal blooms.

Olive oil assays may help assure authenticity

Though the price makes you wince, you might just buy that bottle of your favorite olive oil anyway. Perhaps it's exactly what you want for the salad dressing you're making tonight and for your special stir-fry on the weekend.

Chemists devise better way to prepare workhorse molecules

In chemistry, so-called aromatic molecules compose a large and versatile family of chemical compounds that are the stuff of pharmaceuticals, electronic materials and consumer products ranging from sunscreen to plastic soda ...

Funky food from fruit by-products

Researchers have found that reusing the by-products of fruit and cereal processing could help promote the sustainability of the food industry, as long as its overall environmental fingerprint is clearly evaluated.

University of Minnesota licenses sensor technology to a startup

United Science, a Minnesota startup company, has licensed sensor technology developed at the University of Minnesota that could prevent toxic byproducts of mining and other industries from ending up in the environment and ...

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