Too much structured knowledge hurts creativity, study shows

Structure organizes human activities and help us understand the world with less effort, but it can be the killer of creativity, concludes a study from the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management.

Simulating cellular sorting processes

A plant or an animal cell uses numerous processes to sort and assemble tiny building blocks into larger molecules, to rebuild molecules or to dissolve them. Such processes depend on interactions between various cellular components ...

Smart bricks will transform how buildings work

Smart bricks capable of recycling wastewater and generating electricity from sunlight are being developed by a team of scientists from the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol). The bricks will be able to fit together ...

Molecular Lego with an encoded blueprint

Nature contains a special kind of Lego brick: biological molecules, peptides to be exact, that can be built together to form a wide range of complex structures. Unlike the popular toy bricks, however, the molecular building ...

Why does stepping on a LEGO hurt so much? (video)

The sensation may be all too familiar - the intense, sharp pain in your foot caused by an unassuming LEGO® brick. Why does this tiny chunk of plastic cause so much pain? To answer this question, Reactions examines why we ...

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