Video: Stretchy wires for the future

Scientists at Duke Chemistry, NC State Engineering and the University of California – San Diego have teamed up to create stretchable, flexible wires that conduct current and change colors to indicate they're about to reach ...

Transforming gas into fuels with better alloys

Technological advances in oil and gas well stimulation over the past decade now allow for the production of natural gas from shale gas trapped in rock formations underground. With the sudden increase in the availability of ...

Heatwave grips northern Europe as Greece burns

Scorching hot weather set the conditions for Greece's wildfires—Europe's deadliest this century with scores killed—while record temperatures in the north of the continent have also sparked blazes causing widespread damage ...

Real-time observation of collective quantum modes

A cylindrical rod is rotationally symmetric - after any arbitrary rotation around its axis it always looks the same. If an increasingly large force is applied to it in the longitudinal direction, however, it will eventually ...

Team discovers new mechanisms for DNA stability

Researchers from the University of Seville at the Andalusian Centre for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine have discovered that in eukaryotic cells, the proximity of the genes to the pores in the nuclear membrane ...

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