Studying primates to learn about the evolution of speech

Speech and language skills are unique to modern humans. While this ability evolved over millions of years, it is not possible to trace language in the fossil record because it leaves no direct imprint. Instead, re-examining ...

Finding mental disorders with math

What if a brain scan could detect the presence of a mental disorder even before symptoms have emerged? Or predict which depressed patients would respond to a particular medication and which would not? Or determine the likely ...

The challenge of measuring a bird brain

In research, sometimes setting out to demonstrate one concept actually results in proving something entirely different. It's important to be flexible.

Interaction of carbon nanotubes and the blood-brain barrier

A paper published in Biomaterials studies the interaction of carbon nanotubes and the blood-brain barrier. It was carried by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science at the King's College London. Elzbieta Pach and Belén ...

Authentic brain waves improve driver security

One-time entry authentication methods, such as passwords, iris scanners and fingerprint recognition are fine for simple entry whether to a protected building or a private web page. But, a continuous biometric system is needed ...

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