Pesticides impair baby bee brain development

Imperial College London researchers used micro-CT scanning technology to reveal how specific parts of bumblebee brains grew abnormally when exposed to pesticides during their larval phase.

Research team building a computer chip based on the human brain

Today's computing chips are incredibly complex and contain billions of nano-scale transistors, allowing for fast, high-performance computers, pocket-sized smartphones that far outpace early desktop computers, and an explosion ...

Hitachi unveils headset to study brain activity

A Japanese research team on Wednesday unveiled a headset they say can measure activity in the brain and could be used to improve performance in the classroom or on the sports field.

How recess helps students learn

As parents and schools seek to support students' social and emotional needs—and teach them what they need to learn—some education leaders are missing one particularly effective opportunity.

Protein keeps sleep-deprived flies ready to learn

( -- A protein that helps the brain develop early in life can fight the mental fuzziness induced by sleep deprivation, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.