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Just add water and treat brain cancer

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have developed a technique that delivers gene therapy into human brain cancer cells using nanoparticles that can be freeze-dried and stored for up to three months ...

Looking at cancer progression as evolutionary process

Two University of Oregon biologists have launched an ambitious, highly focused effort to identify genetic changes that occur from the formation of a single mutation to full-fledged cancer.

Nano-Vehicle acts as cluster bomb for tumors

Chemotherapy, while an effective cancer treatment, also brings debilitating side effects such as nausea, liver toxicity, and a battered immune system. Now, a new way to deliver this life-saving therapy to cancer patients ...

San Fran: Mobile Phones Need Warning Attached

San Francisco is set to be the first place in the nation to require that retailers tell consumers how much radiation their brain will absorb from new phones. The ordinance -- approved on Tuesday and now awaiting Mayor Gavin ...

Lessons from the Brain: Toward an Intelligent Molecular Computer

( -- Information processing circuits in digital computers are static. In our brains, information processing circuits—neurons—evolve continuously to solve complex problems. Now, an international research team ...

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