Related topics: particles · cern · physicists · higgs boson

Search for the Higgs: What’s next?

In July, the particle collider experiments at DOE’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory revealed their latest search results for the elusive Higgs particle. Based on the analyses of data collected by the CDF and DZero ...

Particle physics used to mitigate natural disasters

Talk of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s single biggest scientific instrument, has mostly focused on the search for the mysterious Higgs Boson, the as yet undetected particle that scientists hope will reveal ...

Fermilab experiments narrow allowed mass range for Higgs boson

( -- New constraints on the elusive Higgs particle are more stringent than ever before. Scientists of the CDF and DZero collider experiments at the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermilab revealed their latest Higgs ...

Physicist's blog post rumors Higgs discovery at Fermilab

( -- A rumor that Fermilab’s Tevatron may have discovered evidence of a light Higgs boson wouldn't be the first unsupported speculation from Tommaso Dorigo, a physicist at the University of Padua in Italy, on ...

Large Hadron Collider gains pace: CERN

The world's biggest atom smasher is swiftly gaining pace as scientists seek to unravel the secrets of the universe, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) said on Monday.

New way to calculate the effects of Casimir forces

( -- MIT researchers have developed a powerful new tool for calculating the effects of Casimir forces, complicated quantum forces that affect only objects that are very, very close together, with ramifications ...

CDF and D0 joint paper puts a further squeeze on the Higgs

Almost a decade after the experiments at CERN’s Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider set a limit on the mass of the Higgs boson of 114.4 GeV/c2, the two experiments at Fermilab’s Tevatron, CDF and D0 have been able ...

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