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ATLAS sets record precision on Higgs boson's mass

In the 11 years since its discovery at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the Higgs boson has become a central avenue for shedding light on the fundamental structure of the universe. Precise measurements of the properties of ...

Experiments see first evidence of a rare Higgs boson decay

The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012 marked a significant milestone in particle physics. Since then, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations have been diligently investigating the properties ...

This star might be orbiting a strange 'boson star'

A team of astronomers has claimed that observations of a sun-like star orbiting a small black hole might actually be the indication of something far more exotic—the existence of a boson star, a star composed entirely of ...

Probing fundamental symmetries of nature with the Higgs boson

Where did all the antimatter go? After the Big Bang, matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts. Why we live in a universe of matter, with very little antimatter, remains a mystery. The excess of matter ...

Particle trio exceeds expectations at Large Hadron Collider

The ATLAS experiment has confirmed that a trio of particles—a top-antitop quark pair and a W boson—occurs more frequently than expected in the wake of proton-proton collisions inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

ATLAS and CMS observe simultaneous production of four top quarks

Today, at the Moriond conference, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations have both presented the observation of a very rare process: the simultaneous production of four top quarks. They were observed using data from collisions ...

Improved ATLAS result weighs in on the W boson

The W boson, a fundamental particle that carries the charged weak force, is the subject of a new precision measurement of its mass by the ATLAS experiment at CERN.

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