Related topics: particles · cern · physicists · higgs boson

Should the Higgs boson have caused our Universe to collapse?

( —British cosmologists are puzzled: they predict that the Universe should not have lasted for more than a second. This startling conclusion is the result of combining the latest observations of the sky with the ...

New data bolsters Higgs boson discovery

( —If evidence of the Higgs boson revealed two years ago was the smoking gun, particle physicists have now found a few of the bullets.

Evidence found for the Higgs boson direct decay into fermions

For the first time, researchers at CERN have found evidence for the direct decay of the Higgs boson into fermions—another strong indication that the particle discovered in 2012 behaves in the way the standard model of particle ...

Higgs boson machine-learning challenge

Last week, CERN was among several organizations to announce the Higgs boson machine-learning challengeExternal Links icon – your chance to develop machine-learning techniques to improve analysis of Higgs data.

HADES searches for dark matter

Although Dark Energy and Dark Matter appear to constitute over 95 percent of the universe, nobody knows of which particles they are made up. Astrophysicists now crossed one potential Dark Matter candidate – the Dark Photon ...

Quirky quark combination creates exotic new particle

Since the spectacular discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the gigantic particle accelerator outside Geneva, have suffered a bit of a drought when it comes to finding new particles. ...

Large Hadron Collider team announces beginning of restart

( —The team of scientists working at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) facility has reported to the press that the process of restarting the massive experimental mechanism has begun—though it won't finish until ...

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