Related topics: protein

Scientists improve biomarker detection technique

Scientists from NPL's Biotechnology group have developed a new strategy to enable quicker and more precise detection of biomarkers - proteins which indicate disease. The work marks a new research direction for the group, ...

All-female crew in water-tank spaceflight study

This week 20 women are tucking themselves in a waterbed for five days as part of a dry immersion study to recreate some of the effects of spaceflight on the body. The campaign kicked off yesterday with the first two subjects ...

Bioengineers design rapid, easy-to-use diagnostic tests

(—By mimicking nature's own sensing mechanisms, bioengineers at UC Santa Barbara and University of Rome Tor Vergata have designed inexpensive medical diagnostic tests that take only a few minutes to perform. Their ...

Nanorods overcome tigecycline resistance of Klebsiella pneumonia

Long-term and excessive use of antibiotics has caused the spread of antibiotic resistance. The time- and cost-consuming process of new antibiotic development results in the much slower emergence of new antibacterial drugs ...

Researchers identify markers of PTSD in the blood

A new study has found that people who are currently suffering or face a high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder show particular patterns in four biomarkers that are measurable with a simple blood test. The findings suggest ...

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