Related topics: women · pregnant women · babies

A toxic truth: lead exposure problems linger in soil, air

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan—which began in 2014 but to this day has not been completely resolved—brought the public health and economic costs of lead exposure into sharp focus. The crisis sparked conversations ...

3-D-printed device detects biomarkers of preterm birth

Preterm birth (PTB)—defined as birth before the 37th week of gestation—is the leading complication of pregnancy. If doctors had a simple, accurate and inexpensive way to identify women at risk for the condition, they ...

Climate change threat to dolphins' survival

An unprecedented marine heatwave had long-lasting negative impacts on both survival and birth rates for the iconic dolphin population in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Researchers at UZH have now documented that climate change ...

Expanding gas mining threatens our climate, water and health

Australia, like its competitors Qatar, Canada and the United States, aspires to become the world's largest exporter of gas, arguing this helps importing nations reduce their greenhouse emissions by replacing coal.

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