Predicting how topsoil is affected by field traffic

Heavy machinery in the field can compress the soil, which can affect both plant growth and environmental conditions. However, it is important to know the difference between soil compaction in the lower layers of the soil ...

Study examines how DNA damage is repaired by antioxidant enzymes

A typical human cell is metabolically active, roaring with chemical reactions that convert nutrients into energy and useful products that sustain life. These reactions also create reactive oxygen species, dangerous by-products ...

Team develops novel algorithm for sharper protein films

Proteins are biological molecules that perform almost all biochemical tasks in all forms of life. In doing so, the tiny structures perform ultra-fast movements. In order to investigate these dynamic processes more precisely ...

Team achieves Ångström-resolution fluorescence microscopy

A breakthrough in fluorescence microscopy has been achieved by the research group of Ralf Jungmann at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. The team developed Resolution ...

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