Examining how cells talk to each other

Like us, cells communicate. Well, in their own special way. Using waves as their common language, cells tell one another where and when to move. They talk, they share information, and they work together—much like the interdisciplinary ...

A new perspective in protein research focuses on disordered areas

The ordered areas of proteins are readily studied. Consequently, a great deal is known about the role of these areas in the biological function of the respective proteins. However, an international research team led by biochemist ...

WildDISCO: Visualizing whole bodies in unprecedented detail

Researchers developed a new method called wildDISCO that uses standard antibodies to map the entire body of an animal using fluorescent markers. This revolutionary technique provides detailed 3D maps of structures, shedding ...

Climate-friendly air conditioning inspired by termites

The climate control used by termites in their mounds could inspire tomorrow's climate-smart buildings. New research from Lund University in Sweden shows that future buildings inspired by the termites could achieve the same ...

Predicting how topsoil is affected by field traffic

Heavy machinery in the field can compress the soil, which can affect both plant growth and environmental conditions. However, it is important to know the difference between soil compaction in the lower layers of the soil ...

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