Efficient catalysis on chiral surfaces

(Phys.org)—Practice is when everything works but nobody knows why. This light-hearted saying can equally be applied to chemical processes. "The process of so-called heterogeneous asymmetric catalysis is very easy to use ...

Driving membrane curvature

(Phys.org) -- In biological systems, membranes are as important as water. They form the barrier between the inner world, within our cells, where we perform the chemical reactions of life, and the outside environment.

Quantum biology and Ockham's razor

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a paper just published in Nature Chemistry, a team of University of Bristol scientists explores whether new models or concepts are needed to tackle one of the 'grand challenges' of chemical biology: understanding ...

Plant power: The ultimate way to 'go green'?

Researchers are turning to plants and solar power in the search for new sources of renewable and sustainable energy that can support the transition from rapidly depleting fossil fuels to a bio-based society. An article published ...

Study builds on plausible scenario for origin of life on Earth

A relatively simple combination of naturally occurring sugars and amino acids offers a plausible route to the building blocks of life, according to a paper published in Nature Chemistry co-authored by a professor at the University ...

Scientists find E. coli enzyme must move to function

Slight oscillations lasting just milliseconds have a huge impact on an enzyme's function, according to a new study by Scripps Research Institute scientists. Blocking these movements, without changing the enzyme's overall ...

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