How hydrophobicity shapes protein assemblies

Through a nuanced balance of electrical and hydrophobic forces, biological molecules self-assemble into the large functional structures that maintain life's vital functions. Understanding how proteins self-assemble requires ...

Why are networks stable? Researchers solve a 50-year-old puzzle

A single species invades an ecosystem causing its collapse. A cyberattack on the power system causes a major breakdown. These types of events are always on our minds, yet they rarely result in such significant consequences. ...

Examining the role of 'blind dating' in bacteria evolution

Proteins are the key players for virtually all molecular processes within the cell. To fulfill their diverse functions, they have to interact with other proteins. Such protein-protein interactions are mediated by highly complementary ...

How fisheries threaten seals and sea lions in South America

Seals, sea lions, and fur seals are at risk from interactions with fisheries and aquaculture, as they can become entangled in nets or cages, and drown. In a study published in Mammal Review, investigators analyzed research ...

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