Apple fans: Company is more than Steve Jobs

(AP) -- Apple fans and would-be customers seemed to agree that while Steve Jobs' charisma and innovative genius is one-of-a-kind, the company he built will survive without him.

'Rogue websites' bill returns to US Senate

US senators re-introduced a bill Thursday that would give the US authorities more tools to crack down on websites selling pirated movies, television shows and music and counterfeit goods.

US privacy groups welcome 'Do Not Track' bill

Privacy and consumer groups welcomed a "Do Not Track" bill introduced in the US Senate on Monday that would let Internet users block companies from gathering information about their online activities.

Softbank reports robust earnings on smartphones

(AP) -- Softbank Corp., the only Japanese mobile carrier offering the hit iPhone, said annual profit nearly doubled despite suffering damage from the March 11 quake and tsunami that battered northeastern Japan.

New paper on ivory-billed woodpecker published

Dr. Michael Collins, Naval Research Laboratory scientist and bird watcher, has published an article titled "Putative audio recordings of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis)" which appears in the March issue ...

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