Meet Microsoft's guru of 'design matters'

Bill Buxton is multiplatform the way Leonardo da Vinci was multiplatform. The Microsoft researcher is a technologist, a designer, a musician, an author, outdoorsman and a nationally ranked equestrian.

Gov't says up to 10 pct in US lack good Internet

(AP) -- As many as one in 10 Americans can't get Internet connections that are fast enough for common tasks such as viewing photos, video and Web pages, and two thirds of schools have broadband connections that are too slow ...

Tech industry insider makes waves in China

It is just a simple piece of plywood, but it is a striking symbol of the frenzied adoration Kai-Fu Lee, perhaps China's most prominent technologist, elicits in this country.

Study: Blacks and women talk and text more

(AP) -- Blacks talk twice as much as whites on their cell phones, and women talk and text more than men, according to an analysis of wireless bills by the Nielsen Co.

Regulators seek to avoid surprises on cell bills

(AP) -- Federal regulators are considering rules that would require wireless phone companies to alert consumers before they reach roaming or data usage limits on their wireless plans.

Energy conservation in south could save billions, create jobs

Energy-efficiency measures in the southern U.S. could save consumers $41 billion on their energy bills, open 380,000 new jobs, and save 8.6 billion gallons of water by 2020, according to a new study from the Nicholas Institute ...

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