Researchers close in on the elusive neutrino

The humble neutrino, an elusive subatomic particle that passes effortlessly through normal matter, plays an outsized role among the particles that comprise our universe. To fully explain how our universe came to be, we need ...

Estimating uranium and thorium abundance with geoneutrinos

A planet's interior heat comes from two principal sources: leftover energy amassed from collisions between planetesimals during the accretion of the planet and the subsequent decay of radioactive elements embedded within ...

Halos and dark matter: A recipe for discovery

About three years ago, Wolfgang "Wolfi" Mittig and Yassid Ayyad went looking for the universe's missing mass, better known as dark matter, in the heart of an atom.

Research places new limits on the bizarre behavior of neutrinos

In a laboratory under a mountain, physicists are using crystals far colder than frozen air to study ghostly particles, hoping to learn secrets from the beginning of the universe. Researchers at the Cryogenic Underground Observatory ...

Study sheds light on stellar origin of iron nuclide

Researchers from the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and their collaborators have recently made great progress in the study of the stellar beta-decay rate of 59Fe, which constitutes an ...

Solving for nuclear structure in light nuclei

In nuclei, all the fundamental forces of nature are at play. The dense region at the center of an atom—where the protons and neutrons are found—is a place where scientists can test their understanding of the fundamental ...

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