Researchers close in on the elusive neutrino

The humble neutrino, an elusive subatomic particle that passes effortlessly through normal matter, plays an outsized role among the particles that comprise our universe. To fully explain how our universe came to be, we need ...

Understanding the origin of matter with the CUORE experiment

There is so much that we do not yet know about neutrinos. Neutrinos are very light, chargeless, and elusive particles that are involved in a process called beta decay. Understanding this process may reveal the origin of matter ...

The legacy of the Majorana Demonstrator (Update)

For nearly six years, the Majorana Demonstrator quietly listened to the universe. Nearly a mile underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), in Lead, South Dakota, the experiment collected data that could ...

Estimating uranium and thorium abundance with geoneutrinos

A planet's interior heat comes from two principal sources: leftover energy amassed from collisions between planetesimals during the accretion of the planet and the subsequent decay of radioactive elements embedded within ...

Halos and dark matter: A recipe for discovery

About three years ago, Wolfgang "Wolfi" Mittig and Yassid Ayyad went looking for the universe's missing mass, better known as dark matter, in the heart of an atom.

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