Quantum interference fine-tuned by Berry phase

(Phys.org) -- A team from the University of Bristol’s Centre for Quantum Photonics (CQP) has experimentally demonstrated how to use Berry’s phase to accurately control quantum interference between different photons.

New strawberry a delight for gardeners

A new, versatile strawberry has been introduced for home gardeners. 'Roseberry' is predicted to be very popular as an ornamental addition to gardens. The strawberry features attractive pink blooms and produces sweet, aromatic ...

Time is ripe for wine grapes

CSIRO researchers have discovered a new method growers could use to control when their grapes ripen, without affecting wine quality.

Natural pest control saves coffee berry

There is good news for coffee lovers and growers worldwide: A predator for the devastating coffee berry borer has just been discovered in Africa. Looking at coffee berries in Western Kenya, Dr. Juliana Jaramillo from the ...

For a long and fruitful life, consult fruit flies

(Phys.org) -- Bewildered by the array of antioxidant fruit juices on display in the supermarket and the promises they make? To sort out the antioxidant properties of fruits and berries, scientists at Emory University School ...

Aҫaí berry extracts fight malaria in mice

Despite humanity's best efforts to eradicate malaria, the disease struck more than 200 million people in 2017, according to the World Health Organization. Worse yet, the parasite that causes malaria is developing resistance ...

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