Climate change may destroy tiger's home

A James Cook University scientist says the last coastal stronghold of an iconic predator, the endangered Bengal tiger, could be destroyed by climate change and rising sea levels over the next 50 years.

New mathematical model to save endangered species

What does the blue whale have in common with the Bengal tiger and the green turtle? They share the risk of extinction and are classified as endangered species. There are multiple reasons for species to die out, and climate ...

Crouching tigers, hidden cameras: Nepal counts its big cats

Chayan Kumar Chaudhary flicked through photographs captured on a hidden camera in the jungle, hoping his favourite big cat—dubbed "selfie tiger" for its love of the limelight—had made another appearance.

China purrs over white tiger triplets

Three playful white Bengal tiger cubs are charming visitors as they clamber around their enclosure at a zoo in China.

Tiger population nearly doubles in Nepal

Nepal's wild tiger population has nearly doubled over the last nine years, officials said Monday, in a victory for the impoverished country's drive to save the endangered big cats.

Bangladesh doubles wildlife sanctuary to save its tigers

Bangladesh has more than doubled the size of the wildlife sanctuary in the world's largest mangrove forest to try to protect endangered Bengal tigers whose numbers have fallen sharply, officials said Tuesday.

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