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Fuzzy yellow bats reveal evolutionary relationships in Kenya

After Halloween, people tend to forget about bats. But, for farmers, residents of Kenya, and scientists, bats are a part of everyday life. While North America has 44 species, Kenya, a country the size of Texas, has 110 bat ...

Do bats adapt to gates at abandoned mines?

Abandoned mines can serve as roost sites for bats, but because the mines pose serious risks to humans, officials often install gates at their entrances. With more than 80,000 abandoned mines in the southwestern United States, ...

Female bats judge a singer by his song

Female lesser short-tailed bats can size up a potential mate just from his singing. A new study in Springer's journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology shows that the New Zealand bat species Mystacina tuberculata relies ...

Study bolsters bats' reputation as mosquito devourers

It's a common assumption: Bats are important because they feast upon those pervasive warm-weather pests known as mosquitoes. You want to see bats flying above, cleaning up the night sky and ridding you of itchy bites and ...

Above us only sky—The open air as an underappreciated habitat

Many bat species hunt and migrate at great altitudes. The range of the open sky is a new interest area as a habitat relevant to a large variety of species. Christian Voigt and colleagues from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo ...

Bats go quiet during fall mating season

Giving someone the "silent treatment" during courtship might not be the best strategy for romance. But, new research shows hoary bats fly with little or no echolocation at all as a possible mating-related behavior.

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