Five reasons why sugar is added to food

From a food science and technology perspective, sugar (sucrose) plays several roles when it comes to the functional properties in food. In the September issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety published ...

Banana peels make sugar cookies better for you

Banana peels aren't always destined for the trash or compost anymore. They're making their way onto people's plates, replacing pork in "pulled peel" sandwiches and getting fried up into "bacon." And now, researchers reporting ...

Preventing psoriasis with vanillin

Small amounts of artificial vanilla extract, also known as vanillin, are in a wide range of products, from baked goods to perfumes. But vanillin's versatility doesn't stop there. In a recent mouse study reported in ACS' Journal ...

Archaeologists unearth centuries-old pretzels in Bavaria

Archaeologists say two pretzels unearthed during a dig on the banks of the Danube in the German city of Regensburg could be more than 300 years old—and are little different to the doughy product available in the state's ...

Perfect chocolate sheen on confection and sweets

White flecks on sweets with a chocolate glaze are harmless – but esthetically unappealing. More than just improper storage can diminish the glossy sheen. Researchers have discovered other weak points in the production process. ...

Baked goods could become bioplastics

That day-old Starbucks croissant may not need to go into the garbage after all. A new technique developed by Carol S. K. Lin, a biochemical engineer at the City University of Hong Kong, could turn uneaten pastries and coffee ...

Wood components to boost the quality of food products

Xylan, fibrillated cellulose and lignin are wood-derived polymers that could be used for improving the texture and reducing the energy content of food products. According to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, wood-derived ...

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