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Biologists uncover mechanisms for cholera toxin's deadly effects

Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have identified an underlying biochemical mechanism that helps make cholera toxin so deadly, often resulting in life-threating diarrhea that causes people to lose as much ...

Professors work to quickly, accurately identify deadly bacteria

( —It may sound like science fiction, but the bacterium known as MRSA is very real and very dangerous. MRSA is resistant to antibiotics, making it difficult to treat. Quickly identifying MRSA as the culprit in ...

Blue-green algae a five-tool player in converting waste to fuel

In the baseball world, a superstar can do five things exceptionally well: hit, hit for power, run, throw and field. In the parallel universe of the microbiological world, there is a current superstar species of blue-green ...

Brown algae reveal antioxidant production secrets

Brown algae contain phlorotannins, aromatic (phenolic) compounds that are unique in the plant kingdom. As natural antioxidants, phlorotannins are of great interest for the treament and prevention of cancer and inflammatory, ...

Novel biological function of polyester in insect-bacterium symbiosis

Researchers from AIST have demonstrated that an intestinal symbiotic bacterium, which has beneficial effects on the growth and reproduction of the bean bug (Riptortus pedestris) known as a soybean pest, accumulates polyhydroxyalkanoate ...

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

Suppose you held in your hands a bunch of individuals from different species, sort of like a miniature Jumanji set. You have some cows, some bacteria, some plants, some bugs, and a whole bunch of other living things. You ...

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