Bacteria might help other bacteria to tolerate antibiotics better

A new paper by the Dynamical Systems Biology lab at UPF shows that the response by bacteria to antibiotics may depend on other species of bacteria they live with,concluding that some bacteria may make others more tolerant ...

Bacteria killed by new light-activated coating

To stop the spread of disease, it could be used to coat phone screens and keyboards, as well as the inside of catheters and breathing tubes, which are a major source of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs).

Surprising beauty found in bacterial cultures

Microbial communities inhabit every ecosystem on Earth, from soil to rivers to the human gut. While monoclonal cultures often exist in labs, in the real world, many different microbial species inhabit the same space. Researchers ...

Unknown virus discovered in humans

An international team based in Austria has unearthed a previously unknown type of virus in samples of human bodily fluids. The researchers were looking for viruses that infect bacteria, known as bacteriophages, with an emphasis ...

Tackling E. coli infections

Monash scientists have identified a survival mechanism of bacteria that cause disease in plant and animals, including highly virulent E. coli (Escherichia coli) related diseases.

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