Apple "pinch-to-zoom" patent deemed invalid

A filing in a high-stakes legal battle between Samsung and Apple revealed that a "pinch-to-zoom" patent central to the case has been deemed invalid.

Celebrated Mexican archaeologist wins major Spanish award

Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, a celebrated Mexican archaeologist who led the excavation of the Great Aztec Temple in Mexico City, won this year's Princess of Asturias award in the social sciences category, the Spanish foundation ...

'Uncharted 2' nabs top prize at VGAs

(AP) -- The cinematic action adventure "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" nabbed three prizes including game of the year at the Spike TV Video Game Awards.

Nobel panel to reveal 2021 prize for physics

The 2021 Nobel Prize for physics is being announced Tuesday, an award that has in the past honored discoveries about fundamental forces of nature and cosmic phenomena.

Nobel week continues with the Chemistry Prize

The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be announced Wednesday, a day after the Physics award was given to a Canadian-American cosmologist and two Swiss scientists.

Space weather research to look at energy distribution

A University of Texas at Arlington physicist has been awarded more than $400,000 in NASA funding to develop a 3D look at how electrodynamic energy from solar winds enters and moves throughout the Earth's upper atmosphere.

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