Speeding up sugar's conversion into fuel

University of Queensland researchers have found a way to more efficiently convert sugarcane into a building block of aviation fuel and other products.

Leak at Pennsylvania gas storage well spewing methane

A vent at an underground natural gas storage well in Western Pennsylvania has been spewing massive amounts of planet-warming methane into the atmosphere for more than 11 days and attempts to plug the leak have thus far failed.

Using spray drones in agriculture

It's a familiar sight for many—a ground sprayer slowly making rounds in a field, applying pesticides to row crops to give producers the best chance of protecting crops from pests and seeing high yields at harvest. These ...

Video: New weather satellite on its way to launch

The final pre-launch preparations for the first Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite are under way. The first satellite, called MTG-I1, built by a European industrial consortium led by Thales Alenia Space carries two ...

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