First nanoscale mass spectrometer created

Using devices millionths of a meter in size, physicists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have developed a technique to determine the mass of a single molecule, in real time.

Researchers find quicker, cheaper way to sort isotopes

( -- Whether it's the summer grass that tickles your feet or the red Bordeaux smacking on your palette, nearly every part of the world around you carries special chemical markers. These markers, called isotopes, ...

New antioxidants found in beef, chicken and pork

Imidazole dipeptides (IDPs), which are abundant in meat and fish, are substances produced in the bodies of various animals, including humans, and have been reported to be effective in relieving fatigue and preventing dementia. ...

Using ultracold atoms to find WMDs

One problem in dealing with weapons of mass destruction is that they are well hidden. The key to finding them may be to change the methods we use to look. One such method is taking shape in a lab in the basement of Small ...

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